Saturday, January 16, 2016

You Are Worthy by Sheri Steiner

To all of my friends here who don't think they are worthy because they have been beaten, broken down, called names, and told they are not worth anything, I have to tell you that that is not true. God says "You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  He loves you just like you are.  I know you might not believe it, but it's very true.  He made you just like you are for a reason.  He knew what you were going to go through and he let it happen to make you stronger.  He has a spectacular purpose for you that only you can do.  Sometimes we go through things so we can relate to other people and empathize with them.  Sometimes people will only listen to ones to whom they can relate.

You are beautiful.  You are amazing.  You are everything you were created to be.  It's now up to you to believe in yourself.  This will not be easy.  It will take time.  Look toward those people who believe in you.  Look toward those positive and encouraging people.

Smile.  A smile can say a thousand words.  It can shine God's light.  It can warm people's hearts.  It can warm your own heart.

Talk to yourself.  I don't mean talk to yourself and think you are talking to another person.  I'm talking about self-talk.  Positive self-talk.  Tell yourself what you like about yourself.  What you are good at.  If you don't believe it, just say the words.  God says you are fearfully and wonderfully made.  He doesn't lie.

I am passionate about this because this used to be me.  I grew up with so many obstacles and trauma in my life, that I thought I was the odd one out, the ugly duckling, and that I didn't fit in anywhere.  It took some beautiful people who believe in me and let me express myself and listened to me for me to slowly let go of the negative image I had of myself so that I could grow and let the walls down.  As I grew, the pain and walls came tumbling down, and I began to smile, and smile, and smile.  I laughed and let God in.  Now, in the middle of storms, I can smile just for the sake of it, knowing that God is there as my best friend and everything is going to be alright. 

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