Friday, January 22, 2016

We are thirsty! Part I

Good evening, everyone!  Today I want to say that we are thirsty!  We are thirsty for so many things.  We are thirsty for friendship.  We are thirsty for love.  We are thirsty for the ability to connect with people.  We are thirsty to understand God and connect with him.  We are thirsty in our bodies.  I am starting a series of blogs about our thirst and how we can help ourselves.

Today's blog is about the ability to heal our thirst in our bodies.  I will begin by telling you a story.  It all began yesterday when I woke up.  I was very congested.  I had been feeling achy and not quite right for quite some time.  I had gained some weight and I had not been eating the right things for my body.  I knew my system was backing up and it would be inevitable that I would get sick, for what goes in must come out.  I woke up with sinus pain and pressure.  I was wheezing and coughing.  But I still needed to go to work.  Five years ago, I had started with a naturopathic doctor and she helped me to gain my health back.  One of the first things she did was to help me to cleanse my body.  So I remembered this yesterday morning. I didn't feel like eating much so I decided to drink most of the day.  I prepared smoothies to drink and chicken broth to drink also.  I had some left over green salad from the day before that I took along with some trail mix that I had made and a couple eggs.  I also drank some hot tea and some hot water.  I did this all day long yesterday.  When I got home last night, I had some game bird and a vegetable along with some more juice.  Today I woke up feeling much better.  I had no lung pain or wheezing and no sinus pain.  I had a tiny big of congestion.  But the best thing was that I had no pain in my body except a little in one of my fingers.  No joint pain and no achyness.  So it goes to show that I was thirsty and my body needed some liquids.  I felt like a new person today.  My smile was back and my step was quicker.  I could bend down without it hurting.

So if you want to do all that you are meant to do with a healthier body, start by drinking healthy liquids--fruits and vegetable juices, beef and chicken bone broth, lots of water, and green tea and herbal teas.  This will do wonders for your physical and mental health.   You are an overcomer and you can do anything!  Never give up!

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