Monday, January 18, 2016

What Does It Mean to Sparkle by Sheri Steiner

I believe that to sparkle means to have passion and a zest for life.  That they shine from the inside out.  I believe that it's not something that we do but is put their by God himself.  It's God shining from within us.  When we receive Christ into our lives, we receive something very special.  God uses special divine connections to bring out the sparkle and inner glow.  Have you ever felt that you connected with someone on any level whether it was an aquaintence, coworker, friend, or love interest?  That is God using that person to bring out the best in you.  To open yourself up to letting God use you to inspire, motivate, and open people's hearts.  We are given a sparkle and passion to fulfill our destiny and purpose in life.  So go out and shine and let your eyes sparkle with your inner glow. 

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