Monday, March 7, 2016

We Are Thirsty Part III By Sheri Steiner


Hi everyone!  I am writing today about how we are thirsty for divine connections in our lives.  What I mean by divine connections is that there are people that God sends into our lives to make an impact on us.  They are in our lives for a purpose.  Sometimes they teach us.  Other times, we teach them.  Sometimes God sends people into our lives to open our hearts or open our minds to new things.  Sometimes they are sent to us to help us face our fears so that we are more able to fulfill our destiny.  These people may be our spouse or significant other.  They may be a close friend whether male or female.  Sometimes they are strangers that you meet for a few minutes.

 One time, I met someone who came walking by right in front of my house, and I didn't know him but we talked for about 15 minutes about gardening.  It made an impact on me and stands out in my mind.  That's how I know it was a divine connection.  When you remember moments or remember people who have made an impact on you in your life, that is divine intervention.  These people make a difference in your life.  I've had several people throughout my life who have been divine connections.  God used people in my life to listen to me and to open my heart.  When I was young, I was mute and traumatized, but I eventually started talking very slowly.  I had a couple of teachers who stand out.  One was Mrs. Anderson.  She was my 5th grade teacher.  She believed in me and took the time to understand me.  Another person that I remember was Mrs. Davis.  She was a friend of the family.  She worked at the high school where I went and I would go see here and we would have tea while I was waiting for my father to pick me up.  We talked about life and how things were going.  I've had a few more people, both men and women, who have been brought into my life as divine connections.  I'm sure you have had some too.  Look at the people who have been in your life and the people in it now.  Who has made an impact on you? 

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