Thursday, September 15, 2016

Overcoming Fear

Hi everyone!  I hope you are having an awesome day! 

We are all born with seeds of greatness in us.  What we do with them depends on us.  We are all given a purpose and a path to follow.  Obstacles are put in our paths for us to overcome.  Sometimes we become afraid of these obstacles.  This creates a fork in the road.  We can either choose to rise up and conquer this fear and overcome the obstacles, or we can shrink back and become a shell of the person we are supposed to become.  It's our choice.  I believe that eventually we will choose to overcome our fear and overcome the obstacles. 

So what will you do?  Will you rise to the occasion and overcome these fears and obstacles and release the greatness within you, or will you give into the fear? 

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, in his first inaugural address, quote "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself".   All it takes is a small mustard seed of hope that will bloom into something bigger until it becomes something great.  I believe that you are an overcomer. I believe that you have what it takes to win the battle and claim victory.