Saturday, July 2, 2016




Hi, everyone.  Happy Independence Day weekend!  As we remember the people who came before us and gave us our freedom, let us remember what freedom means.  Here is the definition from Merriam Webster Dictionary. 

Definition of freedom from Merriam Webster Dictionary

  1. 1 :  the quality or state of being free: as a :  the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b :  liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another :  independence c :  the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous <freedom from care> d :  ease, facility <spoke the language with freedom> e :  the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken <answered with freedom> f :  improper familiarity g :  boldness of conception or execution h :  unrestricted use <gave him the freedom of their home>
  2. 2 a :  a political right b :  franchise, privilege

We all have the freedom to make choices, either good ones or bad ones.  We are free to move around.  We are free to speak what's on our minds.  We are free to choose to be positive or negative.  There are so many things that we are free to do each and every day.

One of the things we are free to do is to make use of our time.  Most of the time, we use time to earn money at a job.  Some of us are lucky to have a relationship and spend time together.  Sometimes we make commitments with friends and our churches or social clubs.  Some of us have spent our lives being busy and now are retired and are learning how to relax.  Some of us spend our time keeping our countries safe from harm.  Thank you for your service.

We have such an array of choices to make.  Are you making good choices with your time?  Is there something that you want to do, but are doing something else instead?  What is it that draws your attention?  What makes you smile?  What makes you dance inside?  What makes you feel good?  What makes you laugh?  These are the things we can concentrate on.

One of the things that makes me happy is helping to make people feel good about themselves and making them laugh and see that they are loved.  I've learned that helping people help themselves is very rewarding.  It is said that laughter is very good for the soul and very healing.

Another thing is to relax when you are tired.    We get ourselves so busy and take on so much in our lives, that we get overly exhausted so that we have a hard time laughing and smiling.  Take time to just be.  This weekend, I get to do just that.  I'm going fishing and getting back to nature.  Nature always heals my soul.  Who knows, maybe I will catch "The Big One" lol.  Let us remember to take the time to relax so that we can laugh and smile and be an infectious source of light.  May you all be blessed with a loving and contagious sense of humor.